Sunday 23 June 2013

Photos: Hot-Pink Slug And 5 Other Rosy Animals

This just demonstrates what a wide variety of species there are. The "Handfish" fascinates me, it uses it's fins to walk rather than swim.
Photos: Hot-Pink Slug And 5 Other Rosy Animals

Sunday 16 June 2013

Summer is coming...

I cannot believe it is the end of June and classes are done. Finals to go, but I am not exactly sure where the year went. The year teaching at CHHS was awesome! The best part is that this is the first year I am actually staying a school for more than one year! Yay! (I still can't believe it). It will be a little bit different of a teaching load, but teaching is all about learning! I want to say thank you to my students, parents and staff that I've worked with. Looking forward to enjoying some summer sun and relaxation and then on to next year.